CAMPUS SECURITY REPORT AS REPORTED TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION – In the three years ending December 31, 2021, there were no reportable incidents of crime. For the complete report visit:
The safety of our students, faculty, and staff is of the utmost importance to Jamestown Business College. JBC has partnered with SafeColleges to provide a variety of training to the entire college community. These trainings are highly informative and help us to maintain a safe learning environment.
Examples of the training that our students participate in include Bystander Intervention; Drug Awareness for Students; Alcohol Awareness; Title IX Rights and Protections; Intimate Partner Violence (VAWA); Cyber Security Overview for Students; and Email and Messaging Safety for Students. Students take these courses throughout their first year of study at the college.
Examples of trainings that our staff and faculty participate in include Sexual Harassment; Clery Act Overview; Active Shooter; Americans with Disabilities Act Overview; Drug Free Workplace; FERPA: Confidentiality of Records; Title IX; Cyber Security Overview; Email and Messaging Safety; Campus Security Authorities: Roles and Responsibilities; Mandatory Reporting; and Campus SAVE Act. Training for staff and faculty is conducted annually.
Below are the links to each training website. Students, faculty, and staff may also find these links on the JBC Intranet.
Link for Staff and Faculty Training: https://jbc–
Link for Student Training: https://jbcstudents–ny.safecol
Jamestown Business College is in compliance with the Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) that affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. Complete details can be viewed in the college’s Student Information Handbook.
The College recognizes drug dependency as an illness and a major health problem. Students and employees needing help are encouraged to use community assistance programs. Referral information is available through the Dean’s Office. UPMC Chautauqua Hospital in Jamestown offers assessment, counseling, and rehabilitation services to those with substance abuse problems.
The telephone number for UPMC Chautauqua Hospital Outpatient Rehabilitation is (716)664-8641. The phone number for Seneca Nation Health System Behavioral Health is (716) 945-9001.
JBC Code of Conduct related to alcohol, opioids, and other illegal substances
Any student found to have committed or to have attempted to commit the following misconduct is subject to the disciplinary sanctions outlined in Article IV of the student handbook: Use, possession, manufacturing, or distribution of marijuana, heroin, narcotics, or other controlled substances except as expressly permitted by law on college premises or while participating in college activities off college premises is absolutely prohibited. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the college, and may have legal consequences that could result in fines and/or imprisonment.
Use, possession, manufacturing, or distribution of alcoholic beverages or public intoxication. Alcoholic beverages may not, in any circumstance, be used by, possessed by, or distributed to any person under 21 years of age.
Alcohol and Drug Addiction Related Resources:
Jamestown Business College has many processes in place to help ensure the safety and security of it students, faculty, and staff.
General Campus Safety and Security Policies
There are two important elements in creating and maintaining protective programs and systems: an understanding by students and employees of campus crime and safety hazards, as well as methods of communication and action to reduce or eliminate security and safety threats and hazards.
Therefore, it is the policy of Jamestown Business College that all students and employees of Jamestown Business College are to report criminal acts and safety hazards or occurrences known to them. The proper reporting procedure for everyone, in the event of any concern, is to contact Jamestown Business College’s administrative staff at 716.664.5100 during normal operating hours.
In the event of an immediate threat, danger, injury, or criminal occurrence, you are advised to call the local police/fire/emergency medical service in your jurisdiction first.
Usually, these emergency services can be contacted from any telephone by dialing 9-1-1 or the local police/ fire emergency numbers.
For more information please refer to Jamestown Business College’s Annual Security Report or the U.S. Department of Education Crime Statistics.
Personal Safety
- Always be aware of your surroundings.
- Try to stay in well-lit areas.
- Walk confidently at a steady pace on the side of the street facing traffic.
- Walk close to the curb. Avoid doorways, bushes, and alleys.
- Wear clothes and shoes that give you freedom to move.
- Don’t walk alone at night and always avoid areas where there are few people.
- Be careful when people stop and ask you for directions; always reply from a distance.
- If you are in trouble, attract help in any way that you can. Scream, yell for help, or yell, “fire!”
- Keep your head. Stay as calm as possible, think rationally, and evaluate your options.
- If ever attacked, go to a safe place and call the police. The sooner you make the report, the greater the chances the attacker will be caught.
Home Safety
- Check the identification of any sales or service people before letting them in.
- Don’t let any stranger in your home when you are alone.
- Never give the impression that you are alone if strangers telephone or come to the door.
- If you come home and find a door open or signs of a forced entry, don’t go in. Call the police from the nearest phone.
- Keep written records of all furniture, jewelry, and electronic products. If possible, keep these records in a safe deposit box or fireproof safe.
- Secure sliding glass door locks.
- Don’t hide spare keys in mailboxes, planters, or under doormats.
Vehicle Safety
- Close all windows, lock all doors, and take the keys with you
- Never leave your car’s engine running, even if you will only be gone for a minute.
- Park in well-lighted areas.
- Activate any antitheft devices you have.
- Push or recline your passenger seat forward; if you return to your car and the passenger seat has been returned to its normal position, chances are someone has entered your vehicle.
- When approaching your vehicle, have your keys in hand.
- Before you invest in any alarms; check with several established companies and decide what level of security fits your needs.
Travel Safety
- If you do travel alone, leave your route and destination times with family or friends.
- Keep your car locked at all times.
- Keep the windows rolled up so that a person cannot reach inside. If confronted by someone on foot, drive away immediately, if safe to do so.
- Make sure your car is in good working order and has plenty of gas before you drive.
- Don’t leave packages or valuables in plain sight in your car; keep them in your trunk.
- If you are being followed by another car, honk your horn and drive to the closest public place such as a police or fire station, restaurant, or gas station. Never go home if you think you are being followed.
- If you are involved in a minor accident, do not get out of the car until fire, police, or medical assistance arrives.
Bystander Intervention Tips*
*All students receive Bystander Intervention Training at the time of registration.
Jamestown Business College does not tolerate abusive behaviors. Interpersonal abuse and violence may include dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
- How much do you know about interpersonal abuse and violence?
- Do you speak up when friends make excuses for others abusive behaviors?
- Do you confront friends who make inappropriate remarks that are racist, sexist, or who make homophobic comments or jokes?
- Do you notice your surroundings? Does someone need help?
- Is it an emergency? Should you contact the Police?
- Should you intervene? Should you recruit help from others?
- What type of help is needed?
- Remember to keep yourself safe while helping others
- Use a friendly approach
- Separate the two and share your concerns
- Use a distraction to change the focus
- Engage the victim: Hey Mary; we need to go to class
- Never be confrontational or antagonistic
- Be calm, honest, and direct; never escalate violence
- Recruit help when required
- If necessary, call the Police
JBC seeks to provide students with appropriate assistance with any of their problems (personal, academic, or financial). Students who feel the need to discuss any of their problems are invited to contact any member of the college staff. In addition, listed below are links to our local community agencies which provide a vast array of resources and services.